What is the Flag Page?

The Flag Page is no "ordinary tool"...

It took me 12 years to perfect this “formula”, but today it has made a positive impact on well over 7,000 people by helping them gain a sense of purpose and direction in life.

The Flag Page is the foundation I use to help couples restore their marriages, but today I'd like you to use it to help you save YOUR marriage.

Here's a "birds-eye" view of what you'll see after you complete the quiz...

You'll get 2 pages of customized stories like the one above explaining who you really are at heart and what your greatest talents, strengths and motivations are.

In addition to these stories, you'll learn how to understand your Flag Page using a detailed illustration like the one below that will make your whole story "come to life"....

(Actual screenshot of the Flag Page On line Tool)

Click On the Button Below To Watch a S
hort Video Demonstrating How Easy
it is to Create Your Flag Page...


Here’s what one person had to say after completing their Flag Page…

"When I first encountered the Flag Page, I cynically passed it off as just another self-help miracle cure. But in fact, it is based upon ancient and proven wisdom, and gave me the only accurate picture that I have ever had of myself.

I have spent nearly 50 years searching for answers from philosophers, ranging from Maharishi to Dave Barry.nbsp; I found few answers, so I turned to psychotherapy and prescription medications. After five years of therapy and medication, I was in danger of becoming critically quirky, and still had no answers.

The Flag Page has radically changed my life.

Meditation, hypnosis, cognitive therapy, introspection and drugs- all failed to answer one Right Question; ”Who am I?”  Now that I know the answer to this question, I no longer waste my time with pointless questions and feel that I have been set free from a lifetime of neurotic whining. Most of all, I am enjoying a new set of challenges based upon stunningly accurate self-realization. I am no longer trying to change; I am becoming what I was intended to be." Terry Jones

Stevens Point, WI